Ari Tibi explores her options on “Hot Girl Summer”

LA artist Ari Tibi’s new single “Hot Girl Summer” isn’t about flaunting a summer bod – it’s about a girlfriend who can’t commit. The song has a rootsy Linda Ronstadt/Bonnie Raitt feel, with a chorus that elevates like the summer heat in Encino. It’s great to hear a rock song that doesn’t rely on auto-tune and studio gimmicks.

It’s hard to imagine the photogenic Tibi ever getting dumped or strung along, but that’s indeed what inspired the song.

“Once upon a time, I chased the uncatchable,” says Tibi. “Girls who pulled me in like a life raft to a boat, then dropped me in the sea because they couldn’t commit. Still, I’d tread water until they came back around for a little while. Anyway, after band rehearsal one day I said to my best friend Jessica Goodwin (co-writer/drums on the song) ‘I’m wasting my time with her! It’s like, I love you. I do. But I got options, too!’ Jess came back to rehearsal the next day with a full-on poem and melody in her head (the “Oohs” you hear on the track). I pulled out my guitar and bam. The song appeared 10 minutes later. It’s one of my favorites to play because it adds some satire to the reality of it all. Plus, I get to scream at the end.”

Ari can also write gorgeous ballads, like the harmony-rich “Taurus & A Leo” that will likely grace her next EP later this year.

Listen to “Hot Girl Summer” below, or find it on your favorite streamer.

Follow Ari Tibi on Instagram and TikTok.