Listen: Marina Stewart – “Les Horreur’s Indescripitable | B”

Marina Stewart

Having recorded the first half of the Horreur Tape back in 1986, experimental electronic artist Marina Stewart decided that it was about time to go back a record a companion track to “Les Horreur’s Indescripitable | A” and naturally this new track bears the similar title of “Les Horreur’s Indescripitable | B.” Brandishing glitchy beats, heavy distortion, and a dense sense of composition, Stewart creates something that seems to exist outside of music–outside of the normal concepts of tone and rhythm but also determinedly forward thinking. Seemingly composed of spontaneous electronic musical excretions and the autonomous will of the recording equipment, the track nonetheless feels curiously harmonious, with the various aspects all melding into one cohesive whole.  Head over to I Had An Accident’s Bandcamp page to hear both tracks in full or just scroll down to hear Stewart’s new track “Les Horreur’s Indescripitable | B.”