MP3 Premiere: Teen Suicide – “Goblins Cry Too”

Hot on the heels of February’s outstanding release DC Snuff Film, Teen Suicide’s Sam Ray got in touch with us the other day to let us know about some of his summer plans. Keeping up with their typically busy release schedule, Teen Suicide is readying a tape for release at some point this summer, but while that tape is in preparations, they’re treating us to a short free EP called Goblin Problems. While that entire EP has yet to surface, we have an exclusive taste from that forthcoming release entitled “Goblins Cry Too.” Check that track out for a prime slab of lo-fi punk-indebted indie rock, and head over to their bandcamp for some of their previous work. Stylistically, it’s certainly a far cry from the last track of theirs that we’ve had up on the site, but it’s enough to get us excited for everything that the band has coming up.

MP3: Teen Suicide – “Goblins Cry Too”