BPM MP3 Premiere: Junior High – “PSA”

When you’re presented with an act that makes music that is so clearly indebted to the synth-heavy alt-pop acts of the 1980s it’s easy to be skeptical; many times we’ve heard artists try to put their modern sheen on it only to end up with something gaudy or even worse, “cheesy.”

Junior High is a duo comprised of two young men, Michael Deakers and Josh Ottum, who, with their debut self-titled album, are attempting to bring the 80s three decades into the future, but to do so without any preconceptions about how they want people to think about their music. Basically, Junior High’s music is honest; these guys love the sounds of those times and they’re not afraid to express them through their own music without any irony. This is music made for pure enjoyment.

Junior High’s music is full of breezy synths and downplayed funkiness that just helps you relax into the summertime vibe that they’re trying to transmit. It also helps that they’re from Southern California, where music like this is acceptable on any playlist at any time of year.

Today we have the pleasure of bringing you “PSA,” a standout from Junior High, but by no means the only one. You can hear the track below, and download it for free. And look out for these guys making waves this summer.

MP3: Junior High – “PSA”