Giveaway: Win PAPA’s A Good Woman Is Hard To Find on limited edition vinyl

We’ve been pushing A Good Woman Is Hard To Find, the debut EP from PAPA, for a little while now. We gave it a pretty darn favourable review, and we placed it at number 5 in our top EPs of 2011. So now you should be chomping at the bit to have a chance to get a copy of it on vinyl, especially when only 500 copies have been pressed.

It’s extremely simple to win too. All you have to do is merely retweet this tweet to be entered. Retweets can either be new style, or old style “RT” retweets, but if you opt for the latter make sure to leave all of the @mentions in it.

And voila, you are entered with a chance to win this very fine EP. If you’re not on Twitter then we would hazard to say that it is worth signing up for it just to give yourself a chance to win this EP. Otherwise, find a friend, family member or random stranger who can retweet for you.

If you haven’t gotten around to listening to A Good Woman Is Hard To Find yet, or need a reminder of just how good it is, then stream it in full below.

PAPA: A Good Woman Is Hard To Find by Hit City USA