Trent Reznor says How To Destroy Angels’ debut is nearing completion, will be released first quarter of 2012

Just last week Trent Reznor revealed that his main plan for 2012 is to concentrate on recording new Nine Inch Nails material. This confounded us since we thought that he would be focusing on his new band with wife Mariqueen Maandig, How To Destroy Angels. However, it turns out that he will have time for NIN since HTDA have nearly completed the recording of their debut full length already.

Speaking to Rolling Stone, Reznor says “[We are] finishing our full-length record, which has fully matured our sound into something that is very unique… I can’t wait for that record to come out, actually probably [in the] first quarter of next year.” If you expect it to sound like HTDA’s debut EP, then you are in for a surprise; “When we did the first EP, it was the result of six weeks in the studio, just kind of seeing what happened. We didn’t have a lot of time to explore that much and figure out what our sound is. It felt very close to other projects I’ve been involved in or direct influences, let’s say,” whereas the album “sounds like How to Destroy Angels now, instead of sounding like other stuff.” Reznor has also said that he is “excited to unleash it into the wild.”

It seems impossible to us that Reznor managed to record this album while simultaneously recording the soundtrack for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, but he explains how he managed it over at Rolling Stone. If you haven’t read our interview with the man, then make sure you do so right here.