Watch: Wayne Coyne talks us through The Flaming Lips’ 6 hour song in 23 minutes

In the past few weeks The Flaming Lips’ experimentations with their music have taken a step up. They recently announced that they plan to record a 24 hour song and embed it in a human skull. That’s still to come, but we have other products to get our mind around before we can even get to that.

Before that The Flaming Lips are releasing a toy called the Strobo Trip that’s some kind of flashing, spinny thing, that comes packaged with three songs, one of which is called “I Found A Star On The Ground” and runs for 6 hours. Now, a 6 hour song is a daunting idea, and one that can seem pointless if not downright annoying. To try and turn you onto the idea, Wayne Coyne has made a 23-minute video for Rolling Stone explaining the origin, reasoning and ideal listening situation for the song, as well as explaining the different segments of the song. It’s kind of like a highlight reel.

You can watch the video below, and see if you can bring yourself to listen to “I Found A Star On The Ground.” If so, then go listen to it here.

Thanks to Psych Explorations of the Future Heart for the tip.