Listen: 3 new Flaming Lips songs

The Flaming Lips are somehow getting more insane. I can see how it could be grating on some peeople at this point, but I say bring it on. Following the release of new material via a USB drive embedded in a gummy skull, the Lips have pulled the same stunt, but this time in a gummy fetus. The inner USB drive features three new songs, all of which you can hear below courtesy of Future Heart Day, but the real question is, what kind of gummy body will they release next? I’d like to see some gummy feet, personally – or they could move on to an entirely new creature!

The Flaming Lips – “Enthusiasm For Life Defeats Existental Fear Part 2”

The Flaming Lips – “Steven’s Moonbow”

The Flaming Lips – “Squishy Glass”