Cymbals Eat Guitars and Los Campesinos! both complete new albums

Two of the more anticipated albums for the second-half of 2011 come from Los Campesinos! and Cymbals Eat Guitars, respectively. And, as of this week, it appears both are finished with the recording aspect of these albums.

First, Los Campesinos! The UK eight-piece has been working hard in Spain on their follow-up to last year’s excellent Romance Is Boring. But, at last, we have these words from Gareth Campesinos:

“And so the album’s recording is finished, and we find ourselves back in the UK, for the most part… . A month ago I was in this same spot, having written barely a single lyric and feeling like the world was going to end. I find writing a very therapeutic thing. I’ve always left writing lyrics until the last minute. If I ever sit down and attempt to write a song when I don’t ‘have to’, I feel incredibly pretentious and aware of myself. I want the urge/necessity to write to control me, rather than me attempting to control it. It’s fair to say we are all proud and excited with the results of our last month’s endeavors. I can honestly say the band has never been as close knit and united as we are right now, and I have never enjoyed my band mates’ company (and John Goodmanson of course) as much as this. I think this, our fourth album, is going to display the confidence we now have, and we’re pretty much willing to take on the world.

As for the eventual release, Gareth asks “please be patient. We’ve still to mix the record, master it, do artwork, decide on final track-listing (we’ve recorded more songs than we think we need). I assure you the record will be with you this year though.”

Cymbals Eat Guitars were predictably less wordy with regards to their second album and follow-up to 2009’s Why There Are Mountains, simply taking to Twitter to announce “Listening to the mastered album. Cannot wait for you to hear this.”

Stay tuned for release date information on both records.