Listen: Fucked Up – “Ship Of Fools”

Fucked Up’s upcoming album David Comes To Life is quite unconventional (it’s a one hour twenty minute hardcore rock opera if you haven’t heard). It seems their label, Matador, also want to join in the spirit of experimentation with their method of distribution. Not only will you get a ton of stuff if you pre-order the album now, but today they surprise-announced via Facebook that they’d send physical copies of the new Fucked Up single, “Ship Of Fools,” to the first 30 people to email their address to them. (I nearly wrote a story about it here, but I realised that 30 people would have already jumped on that before I even got it published!)

Matador did not slack on the postage either, they’ve sent them special delivery. The Matador post said that the recipients were free to do “whetever they choose” with the CD once it arrived. Lucky for us new-music-hungry web types, one of those quick off the mark were the guys over at Consequence of Sound. The extremely generous site has uploaded the song to their Soundcloud, and we’ve borrowed their widget so you can listen to it below.

Fucked Up – Ship of Fools by Consequence of Sound

Matador will release the full David Comes To Life in its epic hardcore glory on June 7th, but if you pre-order it now you can hear it in mid-May.