Video: British Sea Power – “Who’s In Control”

British Sea Power are hard at work promoting their new album Valhalla Dancehall and simultaneously campaigning to save libararies in Britain (if you’re from America and have no idea what I’m talking about it’s not really worth looking up).

The second single from Valhalla Dancehall is the most obvious choice really; the uber catchy opening track “Who’s In Control.” The video depicts a group of young students going to get involved in a riot about cuts and student fees (a very hot topic currently in the UK) and even features (I think) some genuine footage from real life events. The latter half of the video then becomes more standard music video fare with good looking young people running around and partying.

Warning: There is full frontal nudity of both the male and female form featured.

British Sea Power – “Who’s In Control” from British Sea Power on Vimeo.

Valhalla Dancehall is out now on Rough Trade.