My Morning Jacket new album: early details

We put My Morning Jacket on our most anticipated albums of the year, and with good reason. The Kentucky band are one of the most exciting and conistent of the last decade, and even if 2008’s Evil Urges wasn’t to your tastes you’ll be hard pressed to put down Z or At Dawn or any of them, really.

Speaking to Rolling Stone the band have announced that the new album will be called Circuital and its recording was a little different than most albums. Recorded largely live in a gymnasium in their native Kentucky, the band had another, quite spectacular project in mind while they were working. Two of the songs, “Wonderful” and “Out Of My System” were written originally for the Muppets to perform, and more were to follow. They were promised they could take them on tour, playing backing band to the Muppets who would take center stage. Unfortunately that project fell through, but now we get a “proper” My Morning Jacket album so it’s not all bad news.

Commenting on the sound of the album guitarist Carl Broemel says that “this record feels like a couple of steps forward of what we’d been doing in terms of overall sound” and Jim James claims that they “want people to have almost the exact opposite experience they had last time. I definitely had some goals of wanting to make this one warmer and somehow more contained and more concise of a statement.” So that’s good news for non-fans of Evil Urges, right?

Rolling Stone also tells us that the album is ten minutes shorter than its predecessor, will be released in Spring and its song titles include “Victory Dance” and “Holding On To Black Metal” as well as the two aforementioned titles.

We hope more details surface soon, but for now let’s get this hype train rolling.