Introducing: Port St. Willow

The Weathervane Music project is doing a very good thing. They are giving up-and-coming artists a chance to record their music by giving them access to state-of-the-art recording equipment and providing them with engineers with technical know-how. Artists that have taken part so far include Sharon Van Etten and Twin Sister. You can find out more about the Weathervane Music project, download free songs and watch interesting videos of the various recording processes by heading here.

The latest artist brought to our attention through Wethervane is Port St. Willow, the moniker of Nick Principe, a multi-instrumentalist from Portland. Under the name Port St. Willow he has released a four-track EP already which you can grab on his Bandcamp for a price that you name. Port St. Willow make music from the heart that’s both charming in the first instance but the deeper, more emotional tones will work their way into your consciousness on multiple listens and this is the really rewarding part.

With Weathervane Nick recorded a new song entitled “Stay Even.” The song is a gorgeous piece of music with reverbed pianos backing, dreamy washed out guitars and a brilliant rhythm clicking away on drums. All of this is accompanied by Principe’s tender vocals which tie the song together. It’s one not to be missed.

The other perk of the Weathervane project for fans is that they then give away the song for free, so check it out right here:

Aiding him with the recording of the song was Peter Silberman, lead singer of The Antlers and close friend since childhood. Check out the video of them recording the song, talking about the recording and talking about growing up writing songs together here:

Shaking Through: Port St Willow from Weathervane Music on Vimeo.