Police alerted after Marina and the Diamonds’ music leaks

Drunk girls like to file complaints.

Marina Diamandis (real name?) has alerted the police after a number of her unfinished songs wound up on the internet. Complaining of a discomfort and loss of creativity, the singer has asked fans to help nab the culprit or culprits, NME reports.

I have the police involved… So if you know information about the people who are doing this, you can message me. I have waxed lyrical to [record label] Warner about how incredible you are and I have faith in you on this.

They are incredible. I mean, one of them managed to leak unfinished songs from Marina and the Diamonds! The singer added the following:

I am asking for you to protect me. I rely on you guys heavily – and transparently – and I need your help. You’re the only ones who control whether things stop or spread.

And, in seriousness, we don’t condone what has been done and we have to acknowledge the effect:

The more leaks that happen, the slower I go… As you can imagine, the thought of people invading my privacy and listening to half-assed unfinished songs that I write at 3am on a tour bus does not make me feel too relaxed or creative.

So leaking is a double-edged sword. You get music faster, but in turn, you also get music slower. Lesson learned?