TV on the Radio return with new album this spring

After announcing a hiatus not long after the end of touring their last album Dear Science we hadn’t a clue when they’d be back, but today Pitchfork reports that TV on the Radio are planning to release a new album entitled Nine Types Of Light through Interscope this spring. And at the moment that’s all we can tell you.

It’s still wonderful news though, and completely out of left field, nobody had anticipated a new album from TV on the Radio this year. With several of the members having been hard at work on their solo projects in the break (Maximum Balloon for Dave Sitek, Rain Machine for Kyp Malone, Tunde Adebimpe turning up here there and everywhere), pessimists among us had suspected that TV on the Radio’s time had past.

With a release date not yet confirmed the sound of a spring release sounds tantalisingly close. The guys must have been working in secrecy to get this ready so quickly, but I personally cannot wait to hear Nine Types Of Light.

And somehow in the midst of all this new album wiritng and recording Dave Sitek has managed to find time to write songs with Jane’s Addicition.