Natalie Madigan navigates to new worlds on “Rivers Of My Love”

Nashville-based Natalie Madigan teases her new EP Yin with a fabulous first single called “Rivers Of My Love”.

You can hear influences like The Beatles and Lana Del Rey in Madigan’s music – and her singing can shift effortlessly from Lorde-like intimacy to Whitney Houston to the finesse of Taylor Swift.

The superb lyrics in “Rivers” work on multiple levels. Says Madigan: “I intentionally wrote it to read like a breakup song. However, the song actually stemmed from me deciding to move forward from various life cycles, ruts, and non-romantic relationships in my life. The past few years have been very transformational for me. I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I actually want in life, and along the way I’ve found that certain mindsets and people just can’t be a part of my life if I want to grow and progress as a person. The song does definitely pull from/have details from romantic relationships, though! There’s just a broader meaning than just breaking up with someone.”

Madigan lauds co-producer Andrew Petroff for helping shape each song on the new EP: “I had a very specific vision in mind for the project and Andrew was the perfect partner to bring those creative visions to life.”

By courageously choosing to grow, Natalie Madigan’s fan base should grow significantly with each new single from Yin.

Listen to “Rivers Of My Love” below, or find it on streaming services.

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