Katrin Braga

Vietnamese-Canadian electronic musician x/o shares gorgeously unnerving new single “Chrysalis Wrath”, announces debut album

There aren’t many interesting places that Vietnamese-Canadian electronic musician x/o doesn’t pull from for inspiration. From Final Fantasy X to anime to the genuine legend of the Trưng sisters, their debut album might buckle under the weight of so much ambition, were it delivered by a lesser artist.

Yet, under the guidance of x/o, Chaos Butterfly promises to be a delirious, even frightening, affair. Loosely following the story of an anti-hero – a vengeful spirit – the story is ultimately one of forgiveness. Throughout the project, they dig into the conflict between tropes of masculinity and femininity, among many other lofty, bold goals.

To kick off the official countdown to the album, they’ve today shared “Chrysalis Wrath”, intended as the album’s prologue, along with its striking animated video. Check that out below, and look out for Chaos Butterfly come April 4th via Precious Metals.

Catch x/o on Instagram and Twitter.